The story and features of Fresh QR online attendance

The story and features of Fresh QR

We are working on the development of the Fresh QR attendance system every day. The system has everything you need to record employees´ attendance, and if by chance you don't, let us know. We will be happy to hear your feedback and expand the system for you as well.

further customization of reports and graphical update of the mobile app

In 2025, we continue development. The most important functional change is better customization of reports (both tabular and graphical in PDF). Last year, the mobile app was updated internally, now its visual appearance will change.

custom absence types and technological update of the mobile app

There are many types of absences, and no one uses them all. That's why we implemented the option to set exactly the ones you need. The mobile app has undergone a technological update and an upgrade to the latest technologies. Visually and functionally, nothing has changed, but it was necessary to do it.

refinement of company settings, email notifications, better work reports for employees

In the summer, we completed 3 major functionalities. Refining company settings means that you can set flexible working hours, e.g., shorten working hours on Fridays or distinguish between even and odd weeks. Notifications about absences are useful not only during the vacation season. A graphical monthly PDF report, a branch-based report, and extended employee statistics details on their mobiles were introduced.

automatic attendance generation, project reports

We added the feature of automatic attendance generation, e.g., during holidays, and significantly expanded the scan reports on projects.

notes, GPS projects

From the start, Fresh QR had the ability to track the time of specific projects, not just attendance from morning till evening. The first customers are beginning to tell me they would like to use it. For us, this means another pile of work. In addition to greater emphasis on projects, we also added a notes feature. Employees can make any note about each day, such as what they did then.

automatic breaks

Added the ability to generate automatic breaks and deduct them from worked time.

Czech and branches

We translated the entire app into Czech, added a branch feature, and changed the GPS counting for branches.

continuous development

We did a lot of work over the year. We simplified the registration process and adding employees, added a calendar of events, improved absence management, implemented a credit system, and unified the font style.

new landing page design, new logo, video

I was at a skid school with my car, and there were only 2 of us with winter tires still on. It turned out that the other guy had a great marketing agency, and we immediately agreed on cooperation. And no, I did not make up this story either.

advertisement launch, first customer

I made a simple landing page in WordPress and on Monday, April 24, I launched an ad on Google. The first registration came on April 26, and the first customer on May 6. I found another programmer to join me, and together we continued to develop the system and implement feedback. For example, a GPS map of scans was created.

big launch

This may sound like I made it up, but it’s true. In March 2023, I was skiing in the French Alps. The weather was fantastic, visibility was great, and on the descent from Mont du Vallon, I decided to take Fresh QR to the next level. I called a friend who helped me with registration, generalizing settings, improving reports, and other necessary tasks.

maintenance as needed

Not much happened this year, a few minor program tweaks aren’t worth mentioning. The system ran smoothly, major issues were resolved, and attendance worked.

enhanced main features based on practical feedback

We expanded the reports, added basic graphs, introduced a form for forgotten password recovery, modified the left and top menus in the app, and translated the website into English.

launch of the first version

The first version of Fresh QR was developed specifically for my partner’s father's company and was launched just before the first COVID lockdown. The requirement was to have accurate work records, ideally without hardware and easy to use. The first version included QR scanning, the most basic monthly report, and absence reporting.

Main features of the attendance system

Attendance QR codes

The system generates the codes immediately after registration. You just print them out and scan them with the mobile app. Reports and calculated times are available immediately.

Attendance QR codes

Dashboard with graphs

We display data in tables and graphs.

Dashboard with graphs


You have access to detailed tabular reports of all your data. We provide overviews by year, month, week, or day. Additionally, there's a special calendar view, a report of the furthest GPS scans, and project reports. You can filter, search, and export data to Excel.


Detail of all attendance and project scans

Every scan of every QR code is stored in a clear table. The GPS location of the scan is saved and can be viewed on a map. If necessary, you can manually create a new record, edit, or delete an existing one.

Detail of all attendance and project scans

List of employees

Employees are added automatically after scanning the first QR code.

List of employees

List of projects

Like attendance, each project has its QR code. You use this to precisely track time on the project. Projects and attendance can run parallel and independently.

List of projects

List of absences

Employees can request leave or home office through the mobile app. You approve it via the web. Both you and your employees have an overview.

List of absences


The system has a note-taking feature. Employees can write a note on any day through the mobile app, for example, to describe the work done that day. Administrators have the option via the web to make a note for the entire month or year.


Automatically generated attendance

You can set up a rule for automatically generated attendance for each employee. There can be several reasons for this. Sometimes you want someone to be recorded on working days under §99; other times, you need to generate attendance for employees during holidays because, although they are not working, you still have to pay them.

Automatically generated attendance

Need more?
We will help you with anything

New function of our system, integration with other systems, special report, automation of anything, we can really help with everything. New functions that fit into our concept will also be delivered to you for free.

Application to download

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